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Circumcise my what?!

Can you imagine going up to someone and telling them that they have too much foreskin around their heart, and they need cut it off?

Well, God did.

He told the people of Israel to “circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no longer stubborn.” (Deuteronomy 10:6)

What a strange comparison… or is it?

Like the male reproductive organs, the heart of a person produces seeds which are ideas. Those ideas, disseminated as words, have the potential to impregnate the minds and hearts of those around us with life or death.

We also fill our own minds with the dialogue of our heart, producing fruit in line with its own nature.

Jesus stated to the Pharisees that, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” (Matthew 12:34)

Asking God to search our hearts to reveal any error, lies or iniquity is never easy but once you begin to see the fruit of such searching, surrendering, and suffering you will run to His throne room of grace with boldness time and time again for help.

Our heart is a garden we have been given the privilege of stewardship and how we steward it has the potential to birth the Kingdom of God in and around us.

Let’s give God full access.

He is the most excellent heart surgeon; we can trust Him completely.

For the month of May, we will be discussing the importance of purity which really is the product of a circumcised heart. Purity isn’t about dress code, or hair styles. Purity isn’t something we use to manipulate people into behavior modification. Purity isn’t toxic, it is a beautiful gift granted by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ and the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit.

Purity can be reclaimed.

"God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin." - 1 Corinthians 1:30 (NLT)

Through my own suffering the Lord has revealed to me that a pure heart posture leads to the fulfillment of God’s purpose, which is birthing His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. What joy it now brings me to deny my flesh in pursuit of His purposes.

If purity has become such a trigger word for you, I want to encourage you to forgive anyone who has used purity to intimidate or manipulate you through guilt and condemnation. If forgiving them is still a challenge than I want to encourage you to ask Jesus to help you. Give Him permission to remove that offense from your heart.

I have lived two decades of my life as a homosexual, struggling with gender dysphoria. I have carried the shame, guilt and resentment brought on by purity teachings that left me feeling unworthy, abominable, and broken.

But Jesus gave me a new heart, and a new mind. Though my flesh is tempted at times by diminishing same-sex attractions, this journey of purity with Jesus, sometimes joyous and other times painful, has afforded me a confidence in His steadfast love that can only come by daily choosing to take up my cross and follow him.

Let's sink deeper into His loving presence, no matter the discomfort.


In the coming weeks I encourage you to open your hearts and begin to embrace the resilient nature we have inherited through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit to live from a pure heart, postured for His purpose. It truly is the better way to live.


“Dear Lord, thank you for becoming sin in my place when you took up the cross. Please forgive me of my unbelief, sin and any unforgiveness I have hidden in my heart against those who have offended me in the past. I release to you any lies, bitterness or resentment brought on by conversations around purity. Please renew my mind on this subject, wash me, and purify my heart so that your desires become my desires. In Jesus name, Amen.”


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