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The Prodigals will Return

As we close the month of June and this series, I wanted to leave you with some encouragement.

Ever since I rededicated my life to Jesus in 2016, I have seen a growing wave of men and women encountering the liberating kindness of God through Jesus Christ (Romans 2:4), and they are coming back home to Him. They are laying down their pride flags and labels to take upon themselves a renewed identity.

But we need your help.

I would not be where I am today in my walk with Jesus if it were not for the accountability, encouragement, correction, and love that I found in Christ-centered community. I especially needed community with healthy, heterosexual men who were willing to walk alongside me and accept me as God’s redeemed child, even if my mannerisms were still a work in progress. We might think that someone coming out of an LGBTQ+ lifestyle would benefit most from having fellowship with other overcoming/redeemed individuals, but that is not the case. We need Jesus and people who are willing to lead us closer to Him through discipleship and healthy same-sex relationships.

I have grown in my walk as a man of God because of pastors and brothers-in-Christ who were open and willing to embrace me, carry my burdens alongside me, and build me up. Mahalo to New Life Kahuku, King's Chapel Niu Valley and Windward extensions - to all the men who endured with me and continue to.

As prodigals from the LGBTQ+ community pour into your local church, open your heart, lean on God for wisdom, and know that His grace is sufficient. Be patient with us and know that this turnaround isn’t always going to manifest quickly in the physical. We might look, talk, act, or behave like our old selves because we have lived this way for so long. But God is able.

Don’t give up on any of us, former LGBTQ+ or not. We need each other.

Read encouraging stories of transformation HERE.

Watch this video to get some help with talking to your teens about this issue.

Thank you for reading, I pray that this short series has blessed and encouraged you.

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